Booklovers 4/7

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  Category Book Discussions
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Add to Calendar 2025-04-07 16:00:00 2025-04-07 16:00:00 Booklovers 4/7  Booklovers Discussion GroupMeetings are generally on the first Monday of each month at the Library if possible.For more information on how to join the Booklovers, please contact Linda Collins.Phone: 614-879-9186Email: Monday, April 7th at 4PM  "The World Played Chess"By: Robert Dugoni Coming up next...  Pick up your copy at the Information Desk today!  Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library America/New_York public


"Booklovers Book Discussion Group" blue background with a book and a speech bubble with a heart inside


Booklovers Discussion Group

Meetings are generally on the first Monday of each month at the Library if possible.

For more information on how to join the Booklovers, please contact Linda Collins.

Phone: 614-879-9186



Monday, April 7th at 4PM


"The World Played Chess" By Robert Dugoni book cover


"The World Played Chess"

By: Robert Dugoni


Coming up next...


"One of Us is Lying" by Karen M. McManus book cover


Pick up your copy at the Information Desk today!